Title: Intelligence in a global context
Publisher: Thomson Reuters
Authors: University researchers.
Currently, threats come in many dimensions and forms in areas such as geopolitical instability, crime and
terrorism, natural disasters and, more recently, global pandemics. The variety of intelligence matters is a
consequence of the complexity of the new strategic environment, where threats are not only strictly military
and often, but they are also non-state in nature.
From the intelligence point of view, investigations will be accepted from the following classification:
Political. It follows the aspects of the domestic policy of other countries that may affect security and
national. Also, relations between states in a particular regional area.
Military. Knowledge of the armed forces of other countries (degree of operability, doctrine, equipment,
structure, order of battle, etc.). It also refers to the intelligence necessary for the planning and
execution of military operations abroad.
Scientific and technical, related with technological advances of a military or civilian nature that may
affect the political, military, or economic spheres.
Economic. Knowledge aimed at safeguarding the interests of the national economy, to foresee the
political and social stability of other countries, or to estimate the impact of certain economic
Sociological. On the relations between groups of different ethnicities in an area or region; the level
of social and cultural development of a country in order to assess its stability, etc.
Environmental. The impact of environmental phenomena on the stability of certain areas of the planet:
desertification, rising sea levels, competition for natural resources, etc.
Other subdivisions and designations. Such as, for example, criminal or public security intelligence,
ethnographic intelligence, medical intelligence, sociocultural intelligence, etc. In short, these are
different categories of knowledge oriented to decision making in specific matters.
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